Hydraulic Valve Symbols Autocad


Insert hydraulic components from the icon menu.

Hydraulic Valve Symbols Autocad

The hydraulic symbol library in AutoCAD Electrical includes filters, valves, cylinders, pressure switches, motors, pumps, meters, restrictors, quick disconnects, flow arrows and more. The hydraulic symbol library consists of all the hydraulic symbols. It is found at UsersPublicDocumentsAutodeskAcade {version}Libshyd_iso125.

Insert hydraulic symbols

  1. Click Schematic tabInsert Components panelInsert Hydraulic Components. Find
    Note: By default, an expanded panel closes automatically when you click another panel. To keep a panel expanded, click the push pin icon in the bottom-left corner of the expanded panel.
  2. In the Insert Component: Hydraulic Symbol dialog box, select the check box for Vertical.
  3. In the Insert Component: Hydraulic Symbol dialog box, click the General Valves icon.
  4. In the Hydraulic: General Valves dialog box, click Shut Off Valve Open.
  5. Respond to the prompts as follows:

    Specify insertion point:

    Select to place the valve in the upper left corner of your drawing

  6. In the Insert/Edit Component dialog box, specify:

    Component Tag: VAL2

    Click OK.

  7. Repeat steps 1 - 3.
  8. In the Hydraulic: General Valves dialog box, click Checkvalve Flow Left.
  9. Respond to the prompts as follows:

    Specify insertion point:

    Select to place the check valve below the shut off valve

  10. In the Insert/Edit Component dialog box, click OK.
  11. Click Schematic tabInsert Components panelInsert Hydraulic Components. Find
  12. In the Insert Component: Hydraulic Symbol dialog box, click Motors & Pumps.
  13. In the Hydraulic: Motors and Pumps dialog box, click Fixed Displacement.
  14. In the Hydraulic: Fixed Displacement dialog box, click Uni-Directional Pump.
  15. Respond to the prompts as follows:

    Specify insertion point: Select to place the pump below the check valve

  16. In the Insert/Edit Component dialog box, specify:

    Description: Line 1: Hydraulic Oil Pump

    Click OK.

  17. Insert another Shut Off Valve Open below the Hydraulic Oil Pump.
  18. Click Schematic tabInsert Components panelInsert Hydraulic Components. Find
  19. In the Insert Component: Hydraulic Symbol dialog box, click Filters.
  20. In the Hydraulic: Filters dialog box, click Filter.
  21. Respond to the prompts as follows:

    Specify insertion point: Select to place the filter below the shut off valve

  22. In the Insert/Edit Component dialog box, specify:

    Component Tag: FI2

    Description: Line 1: Filter

    Click OK.

  23. Click Schematic tabInsert Components panelInsert Hydraulic Components. Find
  24. In the Insert Component: Hydraulic Symbol dialog box, click Miscellaneous.
  25. In the Hydraulic: Miscellaneous dialog box, click Reservoir.
  26. Respond to the prompts as follows:

    Specify insertion point: Select to place the reservoir below the filter

  27. In the Insert/Edit Component dialog box, click OK.

Hydraulic The hydraulic symbol library consists of all the hydraulic symbols and is found under C: Users Public Documents Autodesk. Learn the basics to get started and then master techniques that help you get the most out of AutoCAD Electrical. See More See. Valves (directional, throttle valve, pressure valve) FC. Flow control valve.

Check Valve Cad Symbol

Previous topic:Setting Up Hydraulic Drawings

Insert hydraulic components from the icon menu.

The hydraulic symbol library in AutoCAD Electrical includes filters, valves, cylinders, pressure switches, motors, pumps, meters, restrictors, quick disconnects, flow arrows and more. The hydraulic symbol library consists of all the hydraulic symbols. It is found at UsersPublicDocumentsAutodeskAcade {version}Libshyd_iso125.

Insert hydraulic symbols

Autocad Valve Blocks

  1. Click Schematic tabInsert Components panelInsert Hydraulic Components. Find
    Note: By default, an expanded panel closes automatically when you click another panel. To keep a panel expanded, click the push pin icon in the bottom-left corner of the expanded panel.
  2. In the Insert Component: Hydraulic Symbol dialog box, select the check box for Vertical.
  3. In the Insert Component: Hydraulic Symbol dialog box, click the General Valves icon.
  4. In the Hydraulic: General Valves dialog box, click Shut Off Valve Open.
  5. Respond to the prompts as follows:

    Specify insertion point:

    Select to place the valve in the upper left corner of your drawing

  6. In the Insert/Edit Component dialog box, specify:

    Component Tag: VAL2

    Click OK.

  7. Repeat steps 1 - 3.
  8. In the Hydraulic: General Valves dialog box, click Checkvalve Flow Left.
  9. Respond to the prompts as follows:

    Specify insertion point:

    Select to place the check valve below the shut off valve

  10. In the Insert/Edit Component dialog box, click OK.
  11. Click Schematic tabInsert Components panelInsert Hydraulic Components. Find
  12. In the Insert Component: Hydraulic Symbol dialog box, click Motors & Pumps.
  13. In the Hydraulic: Motors and Pumps dialog box, click Fixed Displacement.
  14. In the Hydraulic: Fixed Displacement dialog box, click Uni-Directional Pump.
  15. Respond to the prompts as follows:

    Specify insertion point: Select to place the pump below the check valve

  16. In the Insert/Edit Component dialog box, specify:

    Description: Line 1: Hydraulic Oil Pump

    Click OK.

  17. Insert another Shut Off Valve Open below the Hydraulic Oil Pump.
  18. Click Schematic tabInsert Components panelInsert Hydraulic Components. Find
  19. In the Insert Component: Hydraulic Symbol dialog box, click Filters.
  20. In the Hydraulic: Filters dialog box, click Filter.
  21. Respond to the prompts as follows:

    Specify insertion point: Select to place the filter below the shut off valve

  22. In the Insert/Edit Component dialog box, specify:

    Component Tag: FI2

    Description: Line 1: Filter

    Click OK.

  23. Click Schematic tabInsert Components panelInsert Hydraulic Components. Find
  24. In the Insert Component: Hydraulic Symbol dialog box, click Miscellaneous.
  25. In the Hydraulic: Miscellaneous dialog box, click Reservoir.
  26. Respond to the prompts as follows:

    Specify insertion point: Select to place the reservoir below the filter

  27. In the Insert/Edit Component dialog box, click OK.
Previous topic:Setting Up Hydraulic Drawings