Sof2 Widescreen Patch
Note: SoFplus client can now be used to change your resolution and FOV. The patch and widescreen menus below are not needed anymore. Delete the widescreen menus, because they will interfere with the improved version that's in SoFplus. Change the _sp_cl_vid_mode_0. _sp_cl_vid_mode_9 and _sp_cl_vid_fov. SOF2 High Definition Resolution Patch. Run your Soldier of Fortune II game on a High Definition Resolution. The following resolutions are supported in this program: 900x600. 3840x1024 VirusTotal Status. Use at your own RISK!
Greetings everyone!
If you're like me, you've looked for a way to play The Sims 1 in widescreen. You might've stumbled upon this comment on how to edit your sims.exe file to play the game in widescreen.
This works, but has many issues, such as the sim UI doesn't refresh properly or the neighborhood screen looks jank. I wasn't happy with it, so I looked into how I could fix it, and Voilà! I have edited the UI to fix the weird bugs. Examples Here and Here
Notice no bad neighborhood backgrounds or ui! There still are a few problems, such as you cannot zoom too far out without a weird bug, but with the widescreen you don't really want to anyway.
Sof2 Widescreen Patch
If you want to try it out or help me make it even better, download it Here!
What you have to do is go into your Sims 1 install folder and merge the UIGraphics folder with this one. Make sure to edit your exe in the post above. It's important to put your game into 600x800, as that's what this overrides. Remember that this only works on 1920x1080p so far. Happy simming!
EDIT: New version with a new fix! Now loading screens when taking families to a new neighborhood are fixed! Get it here.
Sof2 Widescreen Patch
EDIT 2: Since the post is archived, please DM me if you need any help!